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The Robert Napier School

Examination Rules

  1. All exams will take place in the Sports Hall & The 70's.
  2. Students will be sat by candidate number.
  3. Students need to use a BLACK pen, pencil, ruler, rubber etc. They might also need subject specific equipment e.g. calculators. These must be in a clear pencil case.
  4. Once in the examination room, there must be no talking or any other form of communication.
  5. Only materials listed on the question paper is allowed.
  6. You should not have with you any electronic equipment such as iPods, mobile phones, smartwatches or analogue wristwatches.
  7. In the event of a fire you must stop writing, turn your papers over and remain in your seat. If there is a need to evacuate, invigilators will accompany you onto the school field until it is safe to return. You MUST NOT speak to anyone as this could result in disqualification.
  8. Check that you have been given the correct paper for your subject, unit and level or tier.
  9. You must use your full Legal Name, not a preferred/chosen name.
  10. Fill in all details on the front of your answer book. Make sure you also fill in these details on any additional answer booklets.
  11. Read the instructions carefully on the front of the question paper.
  12. Remember, you must write in black ink. You may use pencil for rough work and drawings.
  13. You must write all rough work in your answer book and neatly cross it through with a single line.
  14. You must not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens or blotting paper. You must not use highlighters or gel pens in your answers.
  15. Candidates must not write inappropriate, obscene or offensive material.
  16. If you have bottled water with you, make sure the label has been removed and it is a clear bottle.
  17. You must NOT communicate in any way with any other pupil; you should put your hand up to attract the invigilator’s attendance.
  18. You should visit the toilet before each exam. There will be no toilet breaks for the last 15 minutes of any exam.