Wellbeing Information
Support for students is available from your form tutor, your teacher, your Year team or the safeguarding team. If you feel unable to speak to the safeguarding team directly, then email them on safeguarding@robertnapier.org.uk.
Whilst we provide you with support through Citizenship lessons and form time, it is also important that you look after your own wellbeing.
Medway Children Services have provided advice on managing your time and stress levels and alongside this we have collated some helpful apps which will advise and help you to look after your health and your well-being. Whatever works for you – some of you may have your own routines or apps you have on your phone. This is not an exhaustive list, but these have worked for other students in the past.
Useful strategies to relax:
- Listening to music - Sing
- Watching a good film and laughing out loud
- Box sets
- Board games
- Keeping a diary
- Eating healthily and exercise outdoors where possible
- Mindfulness breathing every day for 10 minutes: “Breathe in for 7 and out for 11”
- Follow a guided meditation online to help relax
- Gym work out / Yoga
- Study hard, help others and rest
Useful websites with resources and apps to download
- Calm
- Headspace
- Recolour (colouring in)
- Breathe
- Thought Diary
- Positive Thinking apps
- Smiling Minds
- Young Minds
Key contacts apart from emailing your Year team or the safeguarding team are as followings:
Beat eating disorders: 08088010711
Childline 0800 1111
Citizens Advice Bureau 01634 888182
Cruse Bereavement (RD4U) 01622 671011
MIND (Mental wellbeing charity) 0845 7660163
Kidscape (Personal Safety) 020 7730 3300
Kooth (Mental health and wellbeing)
Medway Council (Social Services) 01634 306000
Medway Hospital 01634 830000
NHS Direct 111
NSPCC 08088005000
Samaritans 08457909090
Young Carers 01634 577340
Young Minds 08088025544