“Disabled students and those with special educational needs achieve well because of the good support and teaching from which they benefit. “ Ofsted 2014
At The Robert Napier School we strive to support all students to enable them to achieve at school. In order to do this many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey.
Quality first teaching is vital; however for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their full potential.
This is where the SEN and Pastoral Support Team offer additional support.
The SEN Team consists of:
The Special Educational Needs Department includes the SENCo, two Deputy SENCos Assistant SENCo and a Designated Teacher for looked after children (CLA). Additionally, we have a team of Higher Level Teaching Assistants, a team of Learning Support Assistants (LSA's) and an EAL support officer who works with students who have recently moved to the UK and have significant difficulties with English. Our SEN team work closely with teaching staff and subject departments to help adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all students.
The school has a specialist unit for students with visual impairments (VI), which provides support for students who have Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) for significant visual impairment. The VI team oversee and support the meeting of the academic and social needs of students with VI. The team consists of a Teacher of VI in training who is in charge of running the VI department and a team of VI specialist LSAs.
The School has a discrete provision called “Access to Mainstream” (A2M), for students across a number of year groups who significantly struggle with accessing the lessons and curriculum. A2M has a Co-ordinator and designated Learning Support Assistants. Please see the document at the bottom of the page which summarises this in more detail.
The Robert Napier School has Year Teams with a Head of Year and a Deputy Head of Year who have responsibility for the pastoral care of the students in their year group. The SEN Team work closely with the Year Teams and Safeguarding Team to ensure that the students' pastoral and SEN needs are fully met.
Our Trust SENCO is Ms R Rosina. Our School Deputy Senco's are Miss C Callaghan and Miss J Rance.
You can contact the SENCo Team at
For further detailed SEN information please download the following: