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The Robert Napier School


Our school uniform was designed by our current students and represents an era of success for The Robert Napier School.

Any departure from the school’s dress code will be challenged and may result in the student being isolated within school and parents being contacted to provide the correct uniform items. This includes false nails, trainers or hoodies. Repeat/persistent offences will be viewed as defiance and dealt with at the discretion of the Headteacher.


All students are expected to provide their own pen, pencil and ruler.  

Students are also encouraged to have their own pocket calculator. If you have any doubt about the suitability of a calculator please check with your child’s Mathematics teacher. 

Mobile Phones

All members of the Robert Napier Community have a responsibility to ensure that the school is a safe place for all. As such, staff will be following a 'See It, Hear It, Take It' approach to mobile phones.  Mobile devices should not be used on the school site and if a student's device is seen or heard, it will be confiscated by the member of staff present and a 20 minute detention issued for the end of the same day.  Mobile phones will then be locked away until the end of the detention.  Repeated occurrences of using mobile devices will result in parents being asked to collect them.  Failure to hand over a mobile phone will result in a suspension.